Particle Interface
Mandatory Interface
— TypeAbstract base type for every type which might be considered a particle in the context of QuantumElectrodynamics.jl
. For every (concrete) subtype of AbstractParticle
, there are two kinds of interface functions implemented: static functions and property functions. The static functions provide information on what kind of particle it is (defaults are written in square brackets)
is_fermion(::AbstractParticle)::Bool [= false]
is_boson(::AbstractParticle)::Bool [= false]
is_particle(::AbstractParticle)::Bool [= true]
is_anti_particle(::AbstractParticle)::Bool [= false]
If the output of those functions differ from the defaults for a subtype of AbstractParticle
, these functions need to be overwritten. The second type of functions define a hard interface for AbstractParticle
These functions must be implemented in order to have the subtype of AbstractParticle
work with the functionalities of QEDprocesses.jl
— TypeAbstractParticleType <: AbstractParticle
This is the abstract base type for every species of particles. All functionalities defined on subtypes of AbstractParticleType
should be static, i.e. known at compile time. For adding runtime information, e.g. four-momenta or particle states, to a particle, consider implementing a concrete subtype of AbstractParticle
instead, which may have a type parameter P<:AbstractParticleType
Concrete built-in subtypes of AbstractParticleType
are available in QEDcore.jl
and should always be singletons..
— Functionmass(particle::AbstractParticle)::Real
Interface function for particles. Return the rest mass of a particle (in units of the electron mass).
This needs to be implemented for each concrete subtype of AbstractParticle
— Functioncharge(::AbstractParticle)::Real
Interface function for particles. Return the electric charge of a particle (in units of the elementary electric charge).
This needs to be implemented for each concrete subtype of AbstractParticle
— Function base_state(
Return the base state of a directed on-shell particle with a given four-momentum. For internal usage only.
– the type of the particle, i.e., an instance of anAbstractParticleType
, e.g.QEDcore.Electron
, orQEDcore.Photon
– the direction of the particle, i.e.Incoming
– the four-momentum of the particle[spin_or_pol]
– if given, the spin or polarization of the particle, e.g.SpinUp
The output type of base_state
depends on wether the spin or polarization of the particle passed in is specified or not.
If spin_or_pol
is passed, the output of base_state
base_state(::Fermion, ::Incoming, mom, spin_or_pol) # -> BiSpinor
base_state(::AntiFermion, ::Incoming, mom, spin_or_pol) # -> AdjointBiSpinor
base_state(::Fermion, ::Outgoing, mom, spin_or_pol) # -> AdjointBiSpinor
base_state(::AntiFermion, ::Outgoing, mom, spin_or_pol) # -> BiSpinor
base_state(::Photon, ::Incoming, mom, spin_or_pol) # -> SLorentzVector{ComplexF64}
base_state(::Photon, ::Outgoing, mom, spin_or_pol) # -> SLorentzVector{ComplexF64}
If spin_or_pol
is of type AllPolarization
or AllSpin
, the output is an SVector
with both spin/polarization alignments:
base_state(::Fermion, ::Incoming, mom) # -> SVector{2,BiSpinor}
base_state(::AntiFermion, ::Incoming, mom) # -> SVector{2,AdjointBiSpinor}
base_state(::Fermion, ::Outgoing, mom) # -> SVector{2,AdjointBiSpinor}
base_state(::AntiFermion, ::Outgoing, mom) # -> SVector{2,BiSpinor}
base_state(::Photon, ::Incoming, mom) # -> SVector{2,SLorentzVector{ComplexF64}}
base_state(::Photon, ::Outgoing, mom) # -> SVector{2,SLorentzVector{ComplexF64}}
using QEDbase, QEDcore
mass = 1.0 # set electron mass to 1.0
px,py,pz = rand(3) # generate random spatial components
E = sqrt(px^2 + py^2 + pz^2 + mass^2) # compute energy, i.e. the electron is on-shell
mom = SFourMomentum(E, px, py, pz) # initialize the four-momentum of the electron
# compute the state of an incoming electron with spin = SpinUp
# note: base_state is not exported!
electron_state = base_state(QEDcore.Electron(), Incoming(), mom, SpinUp())
julia> using QEDbase; using QEDcore;
julia> mass = 1.0; px,py,pz = (0.1, 0.2, 0.3); E = sqrt(px^2 + py^2 + pz^2 + mass^2); mom = SFourMomentum(E, px, py, pz)
4-element SFourMomentum with indices SOneTo(4):
julia> electron_state = base_state(Electron(), Incoming(), mom, SpinUp())
4-element BiSpinor with indices SOneTo(4):
1.4379526505428235 + 0.0im
0.0 + 0.0im
-0.20862995724285552 + 0.0im
-0.06954331908095185 - 0.1390866381619037im
julia> electron_states = base_state(Electron(), Incoming(), mom, AllSpin())
2-element StaticArraysCore.SVector{2, BiSpinor} with indices SOneTo(2):
[1.4379526505428235 + 0.0im, 0.0 + 0.0im, -0.20862995724285552 + 0.0im, -0.06954331908095185 - 0.1390866381619037im]
[0.0 + 0.0im, 1.4379526505428235 + 0.0im, -0.06954331908095185 + 0.1390866381619037im, 0.20862995724285552 + 0.0im]
The returned objects of base_state
can be consistently wrapped in an SVector
for iteration using _as_svec
This way, a loop like the following becomes possible when spin
may be definite or indefinite.
for state in QEDbase._as_svec(base_state(Electron(), Incoming(), momentum, spin))
# ...
For an incoming fermion with momentum $p$, we use the explicit formula:
\[u_\sigma(p) = \frac{\gamma^\mu p_\mu + m}{\sqrt{\vert p_0\vert + m}} \eta_\sigma,\]
where the elementary base spinors are given as
\[\eta_1 = (1, 0, 0, 0)^T\\ \eta_2 = (0, 1, 0, 0)^T\]
For an outgoing anti-fermion with momentum $p$, we use the explicit formula:
\[v_\sigma(p) = \frac{-\gamma^\mu p_\mu + m}{\sqrt{\vert p_0\vert + m}} \chi_\sigma,\]
where the elementary base spinors are given as
\[\chi_1 = (0, 0, 1, 0)^T\\ \chi_2 = (0, 0, 0, 1)^T\]
For outgoing fermions and incoming anti-fermions with momentum $p$, the base state is given as the Dirac-adjoint of the respective incoming fermion or outgoing anti-fermion state:
\[\overline{u}_\sigma(p) = u_\sigma^\dagger \gamma^0\\ \overline{v}_\sigma(p) = v_\sigma^\dagger \gamma^0\]
where $v_\sigma$ is the base state of the respective outgoing anti-fermion.
For a photon with four-momentum $k^\mu = \omega (1, \cos\phi \sin\theta, \sin\phi \sin\theta, \cos\theta)$, the two polarization vectors are given as
\[\begin{align*} \epsilon^\mu_1 &= (0, \cos\theta \cos\phi, \cos\theta \sin\phi, -\sin\theta),\\ \epsilon^\mu_2 &= (0, -\sin\phi, \cos\phi, 0). \end{align*}\]
In the current implementation there are no checks built-in, which verify the passed arguments whether they describe on-shell particles, i.e. p*p≈mass^2
. Using base_state
with off-shell particles will cause unpredictable behavior.
— Functionpropagator(particle::AbstractParticleType, mom::QEDbase.AbstractFourMomentum)
Compute the propagator of a particle for a given four-momentum mom
Notes on Convention
The QEDProcesses.jl
package includes two types of propagators:
Boson-like particles: For a BosonLike
particle with four-momentum k
and mass m = QEDbase.mass(particle)
, the propagator is given by:
\[D(k) = \frac{1}{k^2 - m^2}\]
Fermion-like particles: For a FermionLike
particle with four-momentum p
and mass m = QEDbase.mass(particle)
, the propagator is defined as:
\[S(p) = \frac{\gamma^\mu p_\mu + m}{p^2 - m^2}\]
Here, $\gamma^\mu$ are the gamma matrices, and $p_\mu$ represents the four-momentum components.
This function does not throw an error if the particle is off-shell (i.e., if it does not satisfy the mass-shell condition). In such cases, the function will return Inf
, which indicates that the propagator is undefined for an off-shell particle.
Optional Interface
— Functionis_fermion(_::AbstractParticle) -> Bool
Interface function for particles. Return true
if the passed subtype of AbstractParticle
can be considered a fermion in the sense of particle statistics, and false
otherwise. The default implementation of is_fermion
for every subtype of AbstractParticle
will always return false
— Functionis_boson(_::AbstractParticle) -> Bool
Interface function for particles. Return true
if the passed subtype of AbstractParticle
can be considered a boson in the sense of particle statistics, and false
otherwise. The default implementation of is_boson
for every subtype of AbstractParticle
will always return false
— Functionis_particle(_::AbstractParticle) -> Bool
Interface function for particles. Return true
if the passed subtype of AbstractParticle
can be considered a particle as distinct from anti-particles, and false
otherwise. The default implementation of is_particle
for every subtype of AbstractParticle
will always return true
— Functionis_anti_particle(_::AbstractParticle) -> Bool
Interface function for particles. Return true if the passed subtype of AbstractParticle
can be considered an anti particle as distinct from their particle counterpart, and false
otherwise. The default implementation of is_anti_particle
for every subtype of AbstractParticle
will always return false