n-Pair Trident Scattering Process

In this file, we set up an n-pair trident scattering process. A trident process looks like $k e^- \to e^- (e^- e^+)^n$.

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using QEDFeynmanDiagrams

We need some of the packages of the QEDjl-project for base functionality and the ScatteringProcess type.

using QEDcore
using QEDprocesses

Let's decide how many pairs our trident should produce:

n = 2;

Now we setup the scattering process accordingly. We only consider a single spin/polarization combination here. For an example with many spin and polarization combinations, refer to the n-photon Compton example

proc = ScatteringProcess(
    (Electron(), Photon()),                                                         # incoming particles
    (Electron(), ntuple(_ -> Electron(), n)..., ntuple(_ -> Positron(), n)...),     # outgoing particles
    (SpinUp(), PolX()),                                                             # incoming particle spin/pols
    (SpinUp(), ntuple(_ -> SpinUp(), 2 * n)...),                                    # outgoing particle spin/pols
generic QED process
    incoming: electron (spin up), photon (x-polarized)
    outgoing: electron (spin up), electron (spin up), electron (spin up), positron (spin up), positron (spin up)

The feynman_diagrams function returns an iterator for all possible Feynman diagrams for this scattering process. With its length overload, we can check how many diagrams there are.


Next, we can generate the DAG representing the computation for our scattering process' squared matrix element. This uses ComputableDAGs.jl.

dag = graph(proc)
  Nodes: Total: 619, QEDFeynmanDiagrams.ComputeTask_PropagatePairs: 42, QEDFeynmanDiagrams.ComputeTask_CollectTriples: 1, 
         QEDFeynmanDiagrams.ComputeTask_Triple: 81, QEDFeynmanDiagrams.ComputeTask_BaseState: 7, QEDFeynmanDiagrams.ComputeTask_CollectPairs: 42, 
         QEDFeynmanDiagrams.ComputeTask_Propagator: 42, QEDFeynmanDiagrams.ComputeTask_Pair: 69, QEDFeynmanDiagrams.ComputeTask_SpinPolCumulation: 1, 
         ComputableDAGs.DataTask: 334
  Edges: 950
  Total Compute Effort: 0.0
  Total Data Transfer: 0.0
  Total Compute Intensity: 0.0

To continue, we will need ComputableDAGs.jl. Since ComputableDAGs.jl uses RuntimeGeneratedFunctions as the return type of ComputableDAGs.get_compute_function, we need to initialize it in our current module.

using ComputableDAGs
using RuntimeGeneratedFunctions

With the DAG, the process, and RuntimeGeneratedFunctions initalized, we can now generate the actual computable function:

func = get_compute_function(dag, proc, cpu_st(), @__MODULE__);

Now we need an input for the function, which is a QEDcore.PhaseSpacePoint. For now, we generate random momenta for every particle. In the future, QEDevents will be able to generate physical PhaseSpacePoints.

psp = PhaseSpacePoint(
    PhasespaceDefinition(SphericalCoordinateSystem(), ElectronRestFrame()),
    tuple((rand(SFourMomentum) for _ in 1:number_incoming_particles(proc))...),
    tuple((rand(SFourMomentum) for _ in 1:number_outgoing_particles(proc))...),
    process: generic QED process "ek -> eeepp"
    model: perturbative QED
    phasespace definition: spherical coordinates in electron rest frame
    incoming particles:
     -> incoming electron: [0.039288920956634055, 0.1793051376783037, 0.040877702045857056, 0.8305673928496544]
     -> incoming photon: [0.0967942367870559, 0.4433805983076561, 0.04432540734441481, 0.8845963980802497]
    outgoing particles:
     -> outgoing electron: [0.8609764342654231, 0.3371047141795719, 0.2170733705691935, 0.935870102264508]
     -> outgoing electron: [0.42783534512226973, 0.3799614103866835, 0.18329084462688572, 0.3780260818471026]
     -> outgoing electron: [0.33378974015700114, 0.5651096608238709, 0.7021171552338386, 0.5473296494075333]
     -> outgoing positron: [0.48896102867270874, 0.9286437808226403, 0.4844472978351566, 0.3967672811366705]
     -> outgoing positron: [0.2500619643269336, 0.5349195902602311, 0.6356564476530698, 0.07552437474520801]

Finally, we can test that the function actually runs and computes something by simply calling it on the PhaseSpacePoint:


If we want, we can benchmark the execution speed too:

using BenchmarkTools
@benchmark func($psp)
BenchmarkTools.Trial: 10000 samples with 1 evaluation.
 Range (minmax):  13.235 μs 32.421 μs   GC (min … max): 0.00% … 0.00%
 Time  (median):     13.396 μs                GC (median):    0.00%
 Time  (mean ± σ):   13.477 μs ± 748.855 ns   GC (mean ± σ):  0.00% ± 0.00%

   ▃▅▇█▇▆▃▁                                                  ▂
  ▇██████████▇██▇▆▄▄▄▃▁▃▄▄▅▆▇▇▆▆▅▆▃▃▁▁▁▃▁▃▃▃▃▃▃▅▃▃▃▁▁▃▄▃▁▃▃▃ █
  13.2 μs       Histogram: log(frequency) by time      15.1 μs <

 Memory estimate: 256 bytes, allocs estimate: 2.

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